Popular ways to boost your skin-care routine
There are several distractions in your daily lives, maintaining your skin freshness and beauty is somehow critical. Let’s look at what you can do for boosting your skincare routine.
There are different kinds of skin like normal skin, dry skin, and oily skin. I will step by step put the light on a normal skincare routine. So whenever you talk about skin being the healthiest one, the skincare routine is divided into two categories, Internal and External.
Internal refers to what you inhale like what you eat, what you drink what you inhale inside your body while external represents what applications you apply to your skin to make it glower, softer, brighter.
Internal skincare routine:
Drinking lots of water
Drinking lots of water is mandatory for your skin to look great. You should take at least 8 glasses of water in a day. Drinking water makes skin moisturized, hydrated, and radiant. Water also flushes toxic materials from your body hence your skin looks more radiant, healthy, and glowy.
Avoid junk foods
Avoid eating oily stuff, junk foods, sugary things that can harm your internal body which appears on the face. Eat vegetables, fruits, drinking fresh juices can give you the better healthiest skin ever.
It is better to eat fruits instead of juices because drinking juices can give lots of sugars present inside that fruit, but eating fruits can give you all the energetic things and fibers necessary for your body.
One of the many reasons is that you have a sudden change in skin is stress. You do not realize it and blame it for the wrong reasons. Stress is the most common factor in human lives that is greatly shown on faces. An unhealthy lifestyle, physical and mental stress can lead to the loss of your good skin.
Following tips can help you fight Stress:
- Take relaxation and meditations.
- Just think of all the good things
- Try to keep your mood relaxed and happy
- Try to relax your body and all of your facial muscles
- Just think positively as you can have a good feeling by doing such exercises.
Taking Exercise
Taking exercises is another way of making your skin healthiest. Exercise circulates blood that also affects your face blood to regulate in a better way that causes your skin to glow up.
External Night skincare routine:
- Every night you have to wash all the makeup off your face because grime and dirt stuck with your makeup block skin pores which is the great cause of having bad skin. So you have to wash your face before going to bed. Always try for very soft soaps not containing any strong ingredients.
- You can use any good toner which suits your skin that should be alcoholic free because alcohol is not good for the skin. Rosewater is the best toner ever for all skin types. Take some rose water in cotton birds and tone skin gently. You can use vitamin C serum before bad. Some antioxidants fade blemishes and provide a glow to your skin.
- Use moisturizers to keep dryness away from your skin. For oily skin, use water-based moisturizers; similarly; for dry skin, heavier cream moisturizers are suitable. Circularly apply them by using soft hands (avoid harshness). Do not forget to apply on the neck area and apply remaining on hands.
External Morning skincare routine
Because there is vitamin C on your face which you applied at night so you should wash your face properly. Use of SPF is quite mandatory in the morning after using vitamin C serum at night. Repeat the Night Routine steps (washing your face, using toner, moisturizer, and SPF instead of serum.), and here you are good to go.
Additional Tip
Every skin is not the same. Whenever you buy any skincare product, test it on the wrist of the arm / at your neck area at least 2–3 days before purchasing it because sometimes your skin got reacted or you may have any allergies or infections. If you have any skin problems, then must consult your doctor about what you should do. Do not buy or use skin care products without a doctor’s review.
Use Face Mask for a good skincare routine.
Using a face mask once or twice a week also helps your skin to look fresh. Let’s discuss which kind of DIY face masks are helpful for skin to look glowy.
Normal skin face mask
It is a mixture of oats, honey, and rose water/ milk.
- One T-Spoon of powdered oats.
- Organic best quality honey.
- One T- spoon rose water or milk for making a fine paste
- Apply this mask, wait for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
This mask reduces inflammation, if any, on your face and feels fresh, and softens your skin.
Dry or winter skin face mask
- 1 T-Spoon milk
- 1 T-Spoon honey
- 1 T-Spoon aloe vera gel
- 2 drops essential oil
- Mix it well and apply it to your face. Wait for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
These all ingredients moisturizers your skin. This skincare mask is best for winters.
Quick Tip:
Whenever you feel like you have dull skin, you have to go anywhere for any party or any other event, here is a quick remedy for you.
- Take a cucumber, cut it into slices
- Pour them in a glass of milk and keep it in a fridge
- After some time just keep all slices to your whole face
- Wait for 15 minutes and wash up with cold water.
Your skin will be like fresh and glowing skin. Now you can apply makeup, and you are ready to go anywhere. This helps your skin to revive quickly.
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